Date Posted: May 4, 2020
In response to the COVID 19 Pandemic, our faculty and staff successfully transitioned face to face activities to virtual customer service and remote learning. By all current accounts, our service to you remains uninterrupted. We appreciate your patience as we continue to operate during this unprecedented challenge.
In an effort to prepare for our eventual reopening, the College will continue remote learning for the summer semester. To the greatest extent allowable by state and local executive orders, the plan includes a gradual extension of face to face activities. The specific focus for the summer term face to face activities is on lab, internship, and clinical completion. College leadership along with faculty and staff are working together to determine the most appropriate next steps to resume some limited labs on campus. We are also working with our partners to determine when we can get clinical and internship slots. As these plans unfold, students will receive specific guidance from instructors. Students are encouraged to monitor student email and Blackboard accounts for communication from faculty. Please reach out to any instructor, employee, or department via phone or email for assistance during this time. Through virtual technology, students are able to connect with their instructors and classmates and are offered the resources needed to succeed.
We understand that some of our students are facing challenges with technology. Please see the COVID-19 section on our website. It has a list of resources for free internet access, online library resources, and online tutorial support. In the very near future we will launch a laptop loaner program. We will provide information about this program on the website and through student email.
Because of COVID-19, Southern Crescent Technical College’s May commencement ceremony was postponed. The ceremony has been tentatively rescheduled for November 30, 2020 at First Assembly of God Church in Griffin. While we understand the disappointments surrounding this decision, we are very excited about our graduates. Mark your calendars! Additional information on the postponed ceremony will be available soon.
While we are awaiting the date for the in person graduation ceremony, the College is making plans to celebrate May graduates is a special way. Please monitor our website and social media sites as well as student email accounts for additional information about upcoming celebration of our graduates.
In a continued effort to support our communities, business and industry, and individuals during this time, Southern Crescent Technical College is offering FREE access to several noncredit continuing education classes. These are online courses covering a variety of topics that apply to all sectors of the workplace. The Southern Crescent Technical College Economic Development Division values our workforce partners and is excited to extend this educational and leadership opportunity to them. These 10 free online courses that are essential to every great employee are a perfect opportunity to update your resume or polish your skills. To access these classes and learn more, visit: https://gvtc.tcsg.edu/econdev. For questions or additional information, please contact the Southern Crescent Technical College Economic Development Division at economicdevelopment@sctech.edu.
We are building strong communities. As such we are excited to support our local medical professionals with snacks. To date we have provided snack donations to Wellstar Spalding, Piedmont Henry, Piedmont Fayette, and Upson Regional hospitals. These donations are the least we can do to show our appreciation to those who are bravely putting their lives on the line to save ours.
It is our sincere hope that our partners and friends in the Southern Crescent Technical College Community are safe and taking care of their families during this unprecedented time. Please know that we are doing everything that we can at Southern Crescent Technical College to continue business as usual for our students, faculty, staff, and community partners. We are here to provide you with the support you need. Yes, Southern Crescent Technical College, we’ve got this! We continue working hard to build strong students, strong careers, and strong communities.